
Now What?

Maybe the board has recently made a decision regarding:

  • Reorganisation

  • Cost-cutting measures

  • Employee retention initiatives

  • Burnout and sick-leave reduction

  • Other strategic moves

The question is, how do you turn the decision into reality – implementing and achieving your goals?

Now What?

Maybe the board has recently made a decision regarding:

  • Reorganisation

  • Cost-cutting measures

  • Employee retention initiatives

  • Burnout and sick-leave reduction

  • Other strategic moves

The question is, how do you turn the decision into reality – implementing and achieving your goals?

Employee – Manager relationship & Communication

The state of mind, motivation, and alignment of employees can best be revealed and enhanced through the optimal employee-manager relationship and communication. Workplace culture is heavily dependent on the quality of these relationships and the effectiveness of communication between managers and employees.

Massive global research by Gallup, Inc. indicates that in 7 out of 10 high-performing teams, the quality of the employee-manager relationship and communication is the sole differentiator. This underscores the crucial role that strong, clear communication and positive relationships play in fostering a productive and positive workplace culture.

This valuable insight could be the key to implementation and achieving your goals!

Employee – Manager Relationship & Communication

Performance Review by WeMe

The state of mind, motivation, and alignment of employees can best be revealed and enhanced through the optimal employee-manager relationship and communication. Workplace culture is heavily dependent on the quality of these relationships and the effectiveness of communication between managers and employees.

Massive global research by Gallup, Inc. indicates that in 7 out of 10 high-performing teams, the quality of the employee-manager relationship and communication is the sole differentiator. This underscores the crucial role that strong, clear communication and positive relationships play in fostering a productive and positive workplace culture.

This valuable insight could be the key to implementation and achieving your goals!

The no. 1 Challenge

Often, the primary obstacle to implementing any plan is ensuring everyone is fully aligned and committed to it.

The key to overcoming this challenge lies in fostering effective relationships and communication skills between managers and employees at all levels of the organization. These are skills that can be developed and honed.

The #1 Challenge

Employee-Manager Dialogue Fostering Relationship and Performance

Often, the primary obstacle to implementing any plan is ensuring everyone is fully aligned and committed to it.

The key to overcoming this challenge lies in fostering effective relationships and communication skills between managers and employees at all levels of the organization. These are skills that can be developed and honed.

Today’s solutions

Many organizations utilize surveys or pulse measurements to gather insights on their current status and performance review processes, aiming to nurture talent and drive the strategic agenda. While these tools and procedures can provide valuable data, they often prioritize collecting a wide range of input, causing critical elements essential to achieving results to be lost in the shuffle.

Moreover, performance reviews can be infrequent and detached from the actual work environment. Too often, these processes are not an integral part of the ever-evolving workplace, preventing the creation of a synergistic effect where «1+1 becomes 3.»

These solutions fail to make a significant difference. They emphasize data volume, leaving managers to decipher a maze of information while neglecting the pivotal elements that drive implementation and results: the manager-employee relationship and effective communication.

Todays solutions

Many organizations utilize surveys or pulse measurements to gather insights on their current status and performance review processes, aiming to nurture talent and drive the strategic agenda. While these tools and procedures can provide valuable data, they often prioritize collecting a wide range of input, causing critical elements essential to achieving results to be lost in the shuffle.

Moreover, performance reviews can be infrequent and detached from the actual work environment. Too often, these processes are not an integral part of the ever-evolving workplace, preventing the creation of a synergistic effect where «1+1 becomes 3.»

These solutions fail to make a significant difference. They emphasize data volume, leaving managers to decipher a maze of information while neglecting the pivotal elements that drive implementation and results: the manager-employee relationship and effective communication.

Achieving Your Goals

WeMe is exclusively designed to emphasise the employee-manager relationship and the current business objectives. It is science-backed and utilises proven methods that actually work, making it your leverage to implementation and your key pathway to achieving optimal results.

Employee-Manager Dialogue Fostering Relationship and Performance

Achieving Your Goals

Employee-Manager Dialogue Fostering Relationship and Performance

WeMe is exclusively designed to emphasise the employee-manager relationship and the current business objectives. It is science-backed and utilises proven methods that actually work, making it your leverage to implementation and your key pathway to achieving optimal results.

«This is completely going to change what we focus on!»

(In other words, now we are actually going to start doing something about this.)

Top Management, Energy Sector

Skretting logo
NAV logo
Aker Biomarine logo

«This is completely going to change what we focus on!»

(In other words, now they are actually going to start doing something about this.)

Top Management, Energy Sector

Skretting logo
Aker Biomarine logo
NAV logo
WeMe Facilitators

The WeMe Process

Our Process revolutionises how the organisation, managers, and employees work together by using a year-round process of reflection and learning, keeping it an integral part of your ever-evolving landscape.

The WeMe Method

Our process includes deploying content in time-based sprints, allowing focused attention on a few critical goals. Our Check – Learn – Act method ensures each sprint is successfully implemented, integrating continuous reflection and learning into your ever-evolving landscape.

WeMe Content Packages

The WeMe Process

WeMe Facilitators

Our Process revolutionises how the organisation, managers, and employees work together by using a year-round process of reflection and learning, keeping it an integral part of your ever-evolving landscape.

The WeMe Content Portfolio

Our Content Portfolio let’s you identify and prioritise the appropriate content that will drive any decision into reality – implementing for optimal results.

WeMe Content Packages

The WeMe Method

Our Method is a focused and highly flexible, all-year-round process based on our check, learn, act method.

Deploying WeMe Achievement Cycles helps everyone concentrate on a few critical goals to ensure successful implementation, fast.

Content Portfolio

Our Content Portfolio lets you identify and prioritise the appropriate collective content that will drive any decision into reality – implementing for optimal results.

Our content is research-based and curated by leading specialists.


WeMe provides collective training through short, focused micro-learning programs.

Additionally, individualised micro-learning programs for self-leadership and personal growth, supported by the academic Inner Development Goals framework.


WeMe seamlessly connects with various systems, including your current employee survey and performance management tools.

In fact, it serves as your employee survey tool, measuring the overall impact of the WeMe Process for a mutually beneficial outcome.


WeMe provides collective training in relationship and communications skills through short, focused micro-learning programs. Additionally, individualised micro-learning programs for self-leadership and personal growth, all supported by the academic Inner Development Goals framework.


WeMe seamlessly connects with various systems, including your current employee survey and performance management tools.

In fact, it serves as your employee survey tool, measuring the overall impact of the WeMe Process for a mutually beneficial outcome.

Test the solution with a pilot!

Your time is valuable. That’s why all our processes are extremely time-efficient. This also applies to our sales process.

  • 1

    Welcome to our first meeting! We are eager to show you a demo and share our insights as a backdrop for the solution. It is of great value for any further dialogue if you can share a little about challenges and opportunities in your organization.

  • 2

    We often find that those we talk to want to see how the solution can be adapted to their organization. We offer a 60-90 minute workshop, to dive deeper into the possibilities and to present a curated solution.
  • 3

    Contract signing & Selection
    It’s smart to start with a pilot. Maybe you already have one or more departments in mind. After a workshop, the solution is introduced to decision makers and managers who will participate in the pilot. We focus on effective dialogues and guide you through it all so that the process goes both smoothly and quickly.

  • 4

    When you, your stakeholders and participants are ready to start, we recommend a simple two-step introduction to the solution and the pilot that runs over two weeks. This provides enough time to prepare the organization for what is to come.
  • 5

    Launch & Follow-up
    Congratulations – you are well on your way to operationalizing both organizational and individual goals! We are all committed to succeeding, so we will monitor development and give you feedback on both what works well and what we have reason to believe we can do better. Of course, you have full insight into your own data that shows the development.

Performance Review by WeMe


  • Progressive web app (nothing to download)
  • Platform independent
  • Flow-based (vs. «another app.»)
  • Integrations API’s

  • White labelling

Book A Demo

Find an available time in our calendar or feel free to contact us any other way:

+47 23 65 09 09