
«We do it because we have to.»

Many HR managers experience that performance reviews are seen as a routine task, rather than an opportunity for genuine dialogue and engagement. They express frustration over not having cracked the code for the employee appraisal and say that in an ever-changing everyday life, managers and employees experience the conversations as static. They are time-consuming and create little engagement. «We do it because we have to» and not for the conversation to be a seed for action.

«The task has become the goal, instead of a tool to achieve results».

HR manager in an international consulting company.

Time crunch

This is often due to the fact that the performance reviews are carried out in fixed cycles without taking into account changes in the work situation. In a busy work-life, it can be challenging for managers to find time and attention for the conversations. The pressure from other commitments can lead to the performance review being treated as a routine task, instead of a valuable opportunity to strengthen relationships and develop successful teams.

The next generation of performance reviews

With our innovative tool for performance reviews, we aim to create a dynamic and engaging process that strengthens the relationship between employees and managers. By focusing on improved communication and adaptation to the company’s goals, we offer a solution that is both time-efficient and easy to use.

Performance Review by WeMe

Better alignment with organizational goals

The solution helps set high-quality SMART goals that align with the company’s strategy, ensuring that performance reviews contribute directly to the organization’s success.

Performance Review by WeMe

Increased engagement and collaboration

Our solution makes conversations interactive and creates engagement. This contributes to an objective and positive feedback culture for continuous improvement, which in turn increases the organization’s overall performance.

Performance Review by WeMe

Time-efficient and easy to use

With an intuitive «point and click» functionality, we reduce the time spent on administration and documentation, allowing both managers and employees to focus on the important conversations.

Better alignment with organizational goals

Performance Review by WeMe

The solution helps set high-quality SMART goals that align with the company’s strategy, ensuring that performance reviews contribute directly to the organization’s success.

Increased engagement and collaboration

Performance Review by WeMe

Our solution makes conversations interactive and creates engagement. This contributes to an objective and positive feedback culture for continuous improvement, which in turn increases the organization’s overall performance.

Time-efficient and easy to use

Performance Review by WeMe

With an intuitive «point and click» functionality, we reduce the time spent on administration and documentation, allowing both managers and employees to focus on the important conversations.

We have talked to hundreds of companies

Since 2020, we have studied, analyzed and mapped the underlying causes of lack of performance and goal achievement in organizations. All along we have explored and tested digital solutions. And we have talked to nearly 1000 managers and employees and hundreds of companies, from the largest to the smallest.

Now we have developed a brand new digital tool aimed at medium to large organizations to make performance reviews a powerful tool for both managers and employees.

Relationship and communication is the key!

WeMe is a Norwegian startup that focuses on developing relationships and communication in the workplace to both ensure health-promoting working conditions and to operationalize organizational goals. WeMe has been selected by companies such as Aker Biomarine, Equinor, and The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV).

Skretting logo
Aker Biomarine logo
NAV logo
Skretting logo
Aker Biomarine logo
NAV logo

In collaboration with leading specialists in organizational psychology, supported by the The Research Council of Norway and funded by the world’s largest early-stage investor Techstars, we are well on our way to revolutionizing the way performance reviews are conducted.

BI logo
The Research Council of Norway logo
BI logo
The Research Council of Norway logo

Test the solution with a pilot!

Your time is valuable. That’s why all our processes are extremely time-efficient. This also applies to our sales process.

  • 1

    Welcome to our first meeting! We are eager to show you a demo and share our insights as a backdrop for the solution. It is of great value for any further dialogue if you can share a little about challenges and opportunities in your organization.

  • 2

    We often find that those we talk to want to see how the solution can be adapted to their organization. We offer a 60-90 minute workshop, to dive deeper into the possibilities and to present a curated solution.
  • 3

    Contract signing & Selection
    It’s smart to start with a pilot. Maybe you already have one or more departments in mind. After a workshop, the solution is introduced to decision makers and managers who will participate in the pilot. We focus on effective dialogues and guide you through it all so that the process goes both smoothly and quickly.

  • 4

    When you, your stakeholders and participants are ready to start, we recommend a simple two-step introduction to the solution and the pilot that runs over two weeks. This provides enough time to prepare the organization for what is to come.
  • 5

    Launch & Follow-up
    Congratulations – you are well on your way to operationalizing both organizational and individual goals! We are all committed to succeeding, so we will monitor development and give you feedback on both what works well and what we have reason to believe we can do better. Of course, you have full insight into your own data that shows the development.

Performance Review by WeMe


  • Progressive web app (nothing to download)
  • Platform independent
  • Flow-based (vs. «another app.»)
  • Integrations API’s

  • White labelling

Book A demo

Find an available time in our calendar or feel free to contact us any other way:

+47 23 65 09 09